Meaning and origin of the name Rút

Gender: Female
Also available in Czech, German, Norwegian Bokmål,

Rút is used in

Czechia Germany Norway Sweden

Countries where Rút has name day

Rút is present in the name day calendar in Czechia and Rút's name day is Mars 14.
Rút is present in the name day calendar in Norway and Rút's name day is November 28.
Rút is present in the name day calendar in Sweden and Rút's name day is January 4.


Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: "Friend" or "Companion"


The name Rut has its origins in Hebrew and carries the beautiful meaning of "Friend" or "Companion." This name is simple yet holds a deep significance, symbolizing the importance of friendship and companionship in one's life.


While Rut may not be as commonly heard compared to other names, its uniqueness and meaningfulness make it a special choice for those seeking a name with a heartfelt message.


Individuals named Rut are often known for their strong social skills and ability to form deep connections with others. They value friendship and are loyal companions, making them cherished by those around them.

Famous Namesakes:

One notable figure with the name Rut is Rutger Hauer, a renowned Dutch actor known for his roles in various films and television series.

Celebrity Inspiration:

The name Rut may not be as commonly used in the celebrity world, but its simplicity and meaningfulness could serve as inspiration for those looking for a name that represents the importance of friendship and companionship in life.
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