Usage, description and more for Salomon

Gender: Male     Origin: Hebrew
Also available in German, Spanish, Finnish, French, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Swedish,

Salomon is used in

ATAustria INIndia ARArgentina ESSpain FIFinland FRFrance NLNetherlands PLPoland BYBelarus SESweden

Countries where Salomon has name day

Salomon has a name day in ATAustria and Salomon's next name day is September 2.
Salomon has a name day in ESSpain and Salomon's next name day is Mars 13.
Salomon has a name day in FIFinland and Salomon's next name day is June 8.
Salomon has a name day in FRFrance and Salomon's next name day is June 25.
Salomon has a name day in SESweden and Salomon's next name day is June 25.


Origin: Salomón is a name of Hebrew origin.

Meaning: The name Salomón means "peaceful" or "peaceful man". It is derived from the Hebrew name שְׁלֹמֹה (Shelomoh), which is also associated with wisdom and prosperity.

In the Bible, King Solomon, also known as Shlomo in Hebrew, was the son of King David and known for his wisdom and wealth. He is considered one of the greatest kings of Israel.

The name Salomón has been used in various cultures and languages around the world, often as a symbol of peace and wisdom. It is a strong and classic name with a rich historical background.

If you are considering the name Salomón for your child, you would be giving them a name with deep meaning and significance, associated with qualities such as peace, wisdom, and prosperity.