Meaning and origin of the name Sâm

Gender: Male

Sâm is used in

Algeria Switzerland Canada United Kingdom Kenya Nigeria United States Netherlands Sweden Vietnam

Countries where Sâm has name day

Sâm is present in the name day calendar in Sweden and Sâm's name day is September 1.


Sâm is a unique name of Vietnamese origin. It is typically used as a masculine name and carries a special meaning. In Vietnamese culture, Sâm is often associated with qualities such as intelligence, wisdom, and strength. The name Sâm is a popular choice for parents who value these virtues and wish to bestow them upon their child.

The name Sâm may also have different meanings in various cultures and languages. In some instances, it can symbolize resilience, determination, or even a sense of tranquility. Regardless of the interpretation, Sâm is a name that carries a sense of depth and significance.

If you are considering the name Sâm for your child, you are choosing a name that is both meaningful and culturally rich. Its origins and connotations make it a name that is sure to stand out and make a positive impression. Embrace the uniqueness of the name Sâm and celebrate its profound significance in your child's life.
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