Usage, description and more for Vanja

Gender: Male Female    Origin: SE Sweden
Also available in Bulgarian, German, Norwegian Bokmål, Swedish,

Vanja is used in

BGBulgaria CHSwitzerland HRCroatia NONorway SISlovenia rsSerbia SESweden

Countries where Vanja has name day

Vanja has a name day in BGBulgaria and Vanja's next name day is January 7 (next year).
Vanja has a name day in HRCroatia and Vanja's next name day is January 31 (next year).
Vanja has a name day in NONorway and Vanja's next name day is January 22 (next year).
Vanja has a name day in SESweden and Vanja's next name day is May 24.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Vanja

The name Vanja originates from Slavic languages and is commonly used in countries such as Russia, Croatia, and Serbia. It is a unisex name, suitable for both males and females.


The name Vanja is derived from the Slavic word "van" which means "gracious" or "beautiful". Therefore, Vanja is often associated with qualities such as elegance, charm, and kindness.


Although the name Vanja may not be as common as some other names, it holds a unique and distinctive charm that sets it apart. Its simplicity and grace make it an appealing choice for parents looking for a name that is both meaningful and elegant.


There are several notable individuals with the name Vanja, adding to its allure and appeal. Whether in the world of arts, sports, or entertainment, those named Vanja have made their mark and brought recognition to the name.

In conclusion, the name Vanja carries with it a sense of beauty and grace, making it a lovely choice for anyone seeking a name with Slavic roots and a touch of elegance.