Meaning and origin of the name Véra

Gender: Female
Also available in Bulgarian, Czech, German, French, Latvian, Norwegian Bokmål,

Véra is used in

Bulgaria Czechia Denmark Austria Switzerland Germany Australia Canada United Kingdom United States France Latvia Norway Netherlands Brazil Serbia Sweden

Countries where Véra has name day

Véra is present in the name day calendar in Bulgaria and Véra's name day is September 17.
Véra is present in the name day calendar in Czechia and Véra's name day is October 8.
Véra is present in the name day calendar in Austria and Véra's name day is January 24.
Véra is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Véra's name day is January 24.
Véra is present in the name day calendar in France and Véra's name day is September 18.
Véra is present in the name day calendar in Latvia and Véra's name day is September 17.
Véra is present in the name day calendar in Norway and Véra's name day is Februari 4.
Véra is present in the name day calendar in Sweden and Véra's name day is May 30.


The name Vera is of Russian origin and means "faith" or "truth". It is also used in other Slavic languages such as Bulgarian and Serbian.

In Russian, Vera is derived from the word "????" (vera), which translates to "faith" in English. The name carries a strong sense of belief and trustworthiness.

Vera has a classic and timeless feel to it, making it a popular choice for baby girls. It exudes elegance and simplicity, while also carrying a deep and meaningful significance.

If you are looking for a name that symbolizes faith and truth, Vera could be the perfect choice for your little one. Its soft sound and beautiful meaning make it a lovely option for any child.
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