Usage, description and more for Åse

Gender: Female    Origin: Norwegian
Also available in Norwegian Bokmål, Swedish,

Åse is used in

DKDenmark NONorway SESweden

Countries where Åse has name day

Åse has a name day in NONorway and Åse's next name day is May 2.


Origin: Scandinavian
Meaning: Åse is a Scandinavian name that means "Goddess" or "Divine" in Old Norse. It is derived from the Old Norse name "Ása," which was used to refer to the Norse goddesses.

Strength: People named Åse are often perceived as strong and powerful individuals, embodying qualities associated with goddesses.
Independence: Åse tends to be independent and self-reliant, taking charge in various situations.
Leadership: With their commanding presence, individuals with the name Åse often exhibit natural leadership qualities.

Åse is a less common name in modern times, giving it a unique and distinctive appeal. Its historical roots and meaningful connotations make it a special choice for parents looking for a name with depth and significance.

Famous individuals with variations of the name Åse include Åse Kleveland, a Norwegian singer and politician known for her contributions to music and public service.

In conclusion, the name Åse carries a sense of divinity and strength, reflecting the characteristics of powerful goddesses from Norse mythology. Its uniqueness and historical significance make it a compelling choice for those seeking a name with a rich cultural heritage.